Wedding Day Photography Tips | Getting Ready
August 15, 2016
For a long time I’ve been wanting to put together a booklet of wedding day photography tips for my clients. After over a year of thinking about doing this I think it’s best that I knock out these tips into shorter blog posts. Hopefully I’ll be able to keep up with this 🙂
When Ben and I shoot weddings we like to arrive one hour to 90 minutes before the bride gets into her dress. This is to ensure we have time to get detail shots of the dress, shoes, and smaller details as well as general bridal prep. After shooting 80+ weddings I’ve come up with some suggestions to make sure you get the most out of your time with us.
When Ben and I were just starting out we weren’t assertive enough in our role as photographers. If there was a messy room we’d just shoot what was there. Now, we’ve become perfectionists. If we step into a messy hotel room, and we know that’s where the bride will be getting dressed, we take the time to clean. While we don’t mind doing this, it’s not the best use of our time. If you ask the cleaning staff to tidy the room before we arrive then we’ll be able to start taking pictures right off the bat and you’ll get the most bang for your buck!
Along the same lines, if you have all the wedding details all in one place when we arrive we won’t have to spend time looking for them. If possible, have the wedding bands and engagement ring with the bride so we can photograph them all at the same time. I like to incorporate the wedding invitation into detail photos, so don’t forget to bring a copy!
It’s totally normal to be anxious or stressed the morning of your wedding. I’ve been there–I feel ya. Just keep in mind that your mood will come across in your pictures. So, if you’re feeling stressed take a deep breath and relax. Think about seeing your partner for the first time and how awesome it will feel once the hard part is over.